You can use paraffin wax (may be called either paraffin or wax) to apply moist heat to your hands or feet to ease the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis.Paraffin especially helps to reduce pain and loosen up your hand, finger, elbow and feet joints before exercise or just relieve tension after overuse or long work hours.
You should talk with your doctor before trying paraffin at home. And it’s a good idea to have a therapist show you how to do it before you try it yourself. We offer Paraffin Wax treatments at Brilliant Massage & Skin.
Paraffin Wax Helps:
- osteoarthritis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- fibromyalgia
- other joint mobility issues
- dry skin
- cracked heels
You will need:
- 2 kg (4 lb)of paraffin wax. Paraffin is available in most places where canning supplies are sold.
- 1 cup of mineral oil. You may be able to find some mineral oil that has a pleasant scent such as wintergreen.
- Equipment for melting the wax. You can use a paraffin bath, available from a medical supply store, or a Crockpot or double boiler. If you use a Crockpot, a small one works fine for your hands. You’ll need a large one if you want to do your feet.
- A candy thermometer (if you’re using a Crockpot or double boiler). If you get a paraffin bath from a medical supply store, it should have a thermometer.
- Plastic wrap or plastic bags.
- Melt the wax (use low heat if you use a double boiler). Stir often to speed up the melting.
- Stir in the mineral oil.
- Turn off the heat, and allow the wax to cool until it has a thin film on the top. This will mean it is getting cool enough to put your hand or foot in.
- Use the thermometer to check the temperature of the wax. It should read about51°C (125°F)when you begin your treatment.
- Before you begin, use warm, soapy water to wash the hand or foot you are going to treat. This will keep the paraffin clean so you can use it again for future treatments. Dry your hand or foot completely.
- Relax your hand or foot, and dip it into the paraffin, being very careful not to touch the sides or bottom of the pot. Allow the wax to come to just above the wrist or ankle. If you are unsteady, it helps to have another person guide your hand or foot in and out of the paraffin.
- Lift your hand or foot out, but hold it over the paraffin. Allow it to dry a few seconds until it stops dripping.
- Repeat this process 10 to 12 times. Each time you dip in, stop justbelowthe previous line of wax on your skin. This will keep warm wax from getting in under the wax that is already on your skin and will prevent burning.
- Wrap your hand or foot in plastic wrap or slide it into a plastic bag.
- Next, wrap a towel around your hand or foot and hold it in place with rubber bands or tape.
- Leave the paraffin on for 20 minutes. Then unwrap your hand or foot and slide the paraffin from your hand or foot back into the pot. The wax can be melted and used again.
- Cover the paraffin, and save it for next time.
Other way of dipping:
You can also just put wax into the disposable plastic bag or glove and dip your hand or foot into it so you don’t have to worry about contaminating the wax if more than one person will be using it.
- Do not use paraffin if you have poor blood circulation.
- Do not use paraffin if you have lost feeling in your hand or foot, such as from diabetes (diabetic neuropathy).
- Wait until you are fully healed if you have a rash or any open sores on the hand or foot you want to treat with paraffin.
- Make sure the wax temperature is no more than51°C (125°F)when you start your treatment.
- Each time you dip your hand or elbow into the paraffin, dip a little less far than the time before. That will keep warm wax from getting in under the wax that is already on your skin, which will prevent burns.
- Paraffin can catch fire if it’s heated too much. Follow the instructions above or the advice of your doctor.
Same Use For the Feet
A paraffin wax “dip” or “bath” is a soothing treatment in which the feet are submerged in a warm mixture of paraffin or one use separate bag of it. This warming treatment soothes aching joints and improves circulation, and the combination of oil and wax softens rough skin. Massage therapists or Physical Therapists and other professionals can use paraffin dips to relieve joint stiffness in feet as in hands.
Same like for hands the wax traps heat near the skin, which penetrates to stiff and aching joints. This warmth also improves circulation to the feet. The wax and mineral oil softens rough skin, making it an ideal add-on for a relaxing treatment for those who work on their feet for long periods. It is also used as a therapeutic treatment for arthritis in the feet and toes, muscular pain or joint or ankle sprains.
Who Should Avoid It
Same like for the hands, since the wax in a paraffin treatment needs to be very warm, it is not recommended for children, very elderly people or anyone who is sensitive to high temperatures. It can also be dangerous for those with limited sensation in their feet, including people with diabetes or vascular disease.
Paraffin wax has many other uses, too. It’s often used as lubrication, electrical insulation, and to make candles and crayons.
Paraffin wax is tested in a lab to make sure it’s safe and hygienic to use on the body. It’s completely natural and has a low melting point, which means it can be easily applied to the skin at a temperature low enough not to cause burns or blisters.
However, if you have very sensitive skin, paraffin wax may cause heat rash. Heat rash results in small red bumps on the skin that can be itchy and uncomfortable.
Jolita at Brilliant Massage & Skin,
Burlington, VT
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