Post Sections ⇅
- Where is the Flames Log?
- Unlocking Grand Company Log Ranks 2 and 3
- Immortal Flames Hunting Log Rank 1
- → Amalj'aa Hunter
- → Sylvan Sough
- → Kobold Footman
- → Kobold Pickman
- → Amalj'aa Seer
- → Ixali Lightwing
- → Ixali Boundwing
- → Rank 1 Dungeon Targets
- Immortal Flames Hunting Log Rank 2
- → Amalj'aa Halberdier
- → Kobold Missionary
- → Kobold Sidesman
- → Kobold Quarryman
- → Sylvan Screech
- → Shelfspine Sahagin
- → Amalj'aa Archer
- → Rank 2 Dungeon Targets
- Immortal Flames Hunting Log Rank 3
- → Ixali Windtalon
- → Sylpheed Sigh
- → U'Ghamaro Priest
- → Sapsa Shelfspine
- → Zahar'ak Thaumaturge
- → Natalan Windtalon
- → Natalan Boldwing
- → Rank 3 Dungeon Targets
- Other Grand Company Hunting Logs
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Welcome to my FFXIV Immortal Flames Hunting Log Guide, the third and last Grand Company log. As with the others, I decided just to keep it to one page, so that you have all your targets and information in one location for now and for future reference.
For each landscape enemy, I’ve provided information about it, the nearest aetheryte and a map showing approximate locations. All this should help you clear the log as efficiently as possible. Naturally, each also has a mugshot too! So let’s dig in and see which foes the Immortal Flames want you smite.
Where is the Flames Log?
While I gave a fuller explanation over on the Twin Adder Log page, I’m not a fan of copying content from page-to-page. So, in summary:
- Open your regular hunting log, after you have joined a Grand Company.
- Look underneath the icons that represent classes/jobs. There you’ll see the crest of the Immortal Flames.
- It then works similarly to your normal hunting logs. Each rank can be unlocked only after meeting certain conditions.
Enemy Listings
As of January and into February 2024, I’ve begun transferring these targets into their own searchable listings.
It won’t affect the accuracy of this guide, but will mean the enemies below may differ in their layout slightly. I’m working on it as quickly as I am able. Thanks for your patience.
Unlocking Grand Company Log Ranks 2 and 3
In order to rank up in the Immortal Flames, as with all the other Grand Companies, you have to meet certain criteria. Initially, this involves earning and then paying a certain number of Flame Seals. Other ranks involve completing specific GC-related quests and completing your current GC Hunting Log Rank.
So, unlocking log ranks 2 and 3 depends on you reaching a GC rank.
GamerEscape has a great table showing the requirements of each rank.
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Immortal Flames Hunting Log Rank 1
Immortal Flames 01
Amalj'aa Hunter
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
As you would expect from the title, the Amalj'aa Hunter is an Archer class enemy.
Amalj'aa Hunter Location
They're found in a little "loop" off the beaten track in Eastern Thanalan. The early(ish) MSQ brings you here, but I think that's just before you join a Grand Company. If you remember where you investigated the Amalj'aa with Thancred, then return here once you can.
Eastern Thanalan: Drybone
Nearest Aetheryte
Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone
Around X:20, Y:27.2
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Amalj'aa Hunter
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Immortal Flames 05
Sylvan Sough
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
In case you spot their tiny weapons before they zap you, the Sylvan Sough is a Conjurer-class touched Sylph. Being purple is the fate of any Sylph who are touched by Lord Ramuh.
Sylvan Sough Location
In case you skipped here straight away, Sylvan Soughs are not far from the Sylvan Screech Sylphs.
Unfortunately, they are on different Immortal Flames difficulty ranks, so you can't clear them at the same time.
If you're roughly on-level, they probably won't give you a choice. But at least you can say "I'll be back"!
Involved in FATE
East Shroud: The Bramble Patch / Larkscall
Nearest Aetheryte
East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut
Around X:19, Y:21
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Sylvan Sough
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Immortal Flames 06
Kobold Footman
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
Your Kobold Footman target is one of a few varieties poking around the skeleton at Thalaos in Upper La Noscea. This includes the Kobold Pickman that you'll need for the Immortal Flames Hunting Log.
They're up the steep cliff but you have various options of how to get up there.
Facing the Kobold Footman
He's not a caster, so no zaps for you. But other nearby Kobolds may bless you with their zaps instead. Footmen have a tiny knife (which they'll use on you, of course). But they also try to protect themselves with a shield allegedly from Titan.
They also throw bombs that are infused with Titan's wrath. Allegedly.
Involved in FATE
Upper La Noscea: Oakwood
Nearest Aetheryte
Upper La Noscea: Camp Bronze Lake
Around X:1.5, Y:21.5
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Kobold Footman
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Immortal Flames 07
Kobold Pickman
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
The Kobold Pickman variety of Kobolds is one of a few scavenging around the skeleton at Thalaos in Upper La Noscea. I found four of them, but you only need three.
Another type nearby is the Kobold Footman.
Despite their name, they are not holding picks, but axes. But don't take time to question why they're mining or digging with an axe! Just appease your superiors, while you work on your Unlocking FFXIV Grand Company Ranks, and take some out for the safety of Eorzea.
Upper La Noscea: Oakwood
Nearest Aetheryte
Upper La Noscea: Camp Bronze Lake, orWestern La Noscea: Aleport
Around X:12.5, Y:22
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Kobold Pickman
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Immortal Flames 08
Amalj'aa Seer
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
The Amalj'aa Seers are sat in a little gaggle of Amalj'aa just South-East of Little Ala Mhigo in Southern Thanalan.
One the one hand that's great, because they're easy to access after teleporting to the Aetheryte. On the other hand, they're perfect for other players to get too.
If you're close to on-level, expect the other Lizardmen to join in the fighting fun. Some of those are your Immortal Flames log targets. Others will just enjoy blasting or punching you.
Amalj'aa Seer Involved in FATE
Southern Thanalan: Broken Water
Nearest Aetheryte
Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo
Around X:21, Y:15
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Amalj'aa Seer
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Immortal Flames 09
Ixali Lightwing
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
The marauder-class Ixali Lightwing is found a bit out-of-the-way in the North Shroud. The Immortal Flames Hunting Log will also say "Alder Springs", which is a huge area! Instead of scouting all of it, use the map on the right or below.
Thankfully, you only need three Lightwings...because there are only three at any one time!
North Shroud: Alder Springs
Nearest Aetheryte
North Shroud: Fallgourd Float
Around X:22.5, Y:28
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Ixali Lightwing
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Immortal Flames 10
Ixali Boundwing
Number Required: 1
Seals Reward:
Don't misread this, like I did. This is Ixali Boundwing, not Ixali Boldwing! And I know others have done likewise. So hopefully I've spared you that pain!
Where to Find Them
Outside of FATEs, there is only one Boundwing and your log entry requires precisely one of them! Huzzah!
Head North out of the Observatorium walled-off area and turn immediately East. You will eventually see a smallish passageway in the rock. Your Boldwing is at the end, which is, actually outside.
It is still a dead-end though, but hopefully you cleared the way as you entered. So that's all good!
Involved in FATEs
Coerthas Central Highlands: Dragonhead
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead
Around X:32.5, Y:27.5
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Ixali Boundwing
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Rank 1 Dungeon Targets
You’ll find all of these in the same dungeon: Halatali. It’s not in the MSQ, but you can easily unlock it with the quest Hello, Halatali.
The Doctore is just a normal enemy, but Firemane is the first Boss, and the Thuderclap Guivre is the second Boss.
This hulking dude can be found in Halatali. If an enspirited suit of armour could “over-compensate”, the Doctore would totally have nailed that. You may even notice the sword before the armour, to be honest. Just be careful of its AoEs in particular.
Reward: × 266
Firemane is not a lion, unfortunately. It is a huge Fire Sprite and also the first boss inside Halatali.
Reward: × 287
Thunderclap Guivre
The Thunderclap Guivre is the second boss of Halatali and is like a huge Sundrake. Twice during this fight, the pool will light up with lightning and you have to take out all the Lightning Sprites before you can damage the Thunderclap again.
Reward: × 311
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Immortal Flames Hunting Log Rank 2
Immortal Flames 11
Amalj'aa Halberdier
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
Your Amalj'aa Halberdier can be found in the very South-East of the Sagolii Desert.
In this unassuming back-of-beyond is a camp of the Lizardfolk, that also includes the Amalj'aa Divinator (Maelstrom Log target) and Amalj'aa Sniper (Twin Adder target).
Most surprisingly, your Immortal Flame Hunting Log Amalj'aa wields a Halberd! I know, right - super sneaky!
Amalj'aa Halberdier in FATEs
If you don't fancy going that far South, there are a couple of FATEs. Oh wait, one of those is in the same area, so no laziness for you!
Southern Thanalan: Sagolii Desert
Nearest Aetheryte
Southern Thanalan: Forgotten Springs
Around X:26, Y:35
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Amalj'aa Halberdier
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Immortal Flames 12
Kobold Missionary
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
A Kobold Missionary. It's an interesting title, I have to admit. Do they try to convert you to Koboldism, or just searching for weaklings to get them tempered by Titan?
In either case, it's logical to eliminate the threat (until they come back one minute later!).
Where to Find Kobold Missionaries
In Eastern La Noscea, North-West of Bloodshore, there is a small camp of Kobolds. As far as I can tell, there are only three at any one time. You may need to wait for them to respawn if you arrive shortly after someone else.
There are some Kobold Pitmen around here too.
Eastern La Noscea: Bloodshore
Nearest Aetheryte
Eastern La Noscea: Costa del Sol
Around X:27.7, Y:25.3
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Kobold Missionary
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Immortal Flames 13
Kobold Sidesman
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
Having to target the Kobold Sidesman along with so many other Kobolds is a reminder that the Grand Companies need to work together. They are not just a threat to the Maelstrom. This is why they feature on the Twin Adder Hunting Log and even that of the Immortal Flames.
These ones can be found in Zelma's Run in Upper La Noscea. Two of the Sidesmen are on the...sides, man. (Bad-dum-tss).
They're mostly keeping watch, while one other is patrolling around.
Upper La Noscea: Bronze Lake
Nearest Aetheryte
Upper La Noscea: Camp Bronze Lake
Around X:26.7, Y:19.5
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Kobold Sidesman
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Immortal Flames 17
Kobold Quarryman
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
Oh look, the Kobold Quarryman is mining with a regular axe like the Kobold Pickman!
But, rising in the Grand Companies ranks seems to mean, not caring what the Kobolds used before they died. So accept it, defeat tons of them, and sate your bloodlust.
Ooor, just take out the three required by the Immortal Flames. *eye shift*
Involved in FATEs
There are so many of them, you're unlikely to need FATEs, but they can be found in:
Outer La Noscea: Iron Lake
Nearest Aetheryte
Outer La Noscea: Camp Overlook
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Kobold Quarryman
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Immortal Flames 18
Sylvan Screech
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
Here we are looking for Sylvan Screeches in the East Shroud for the Immortal Flames. Has anyone ever heard a Sylph screech? Certainly not me! I guess this is something to do with the tempered being a threat to all the city-states of Eorzea regardless of where they are found.
Where are Sylvan Screeches?
Anyhow, you can find these Sylphs between the Bramble Patch and the Larkscall label on your map.
While they're in a similar area, sometimes precision can be helpful:
- X:21.5, Y:21.5
- X:23, Y:21
East Shroud: Larkscall
Nearest Aetheryte
East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut
Around X:21.5:, Y:21.5
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Sylvan Screech
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Immortal Flames 19
Shelfspine Sahagin
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
The Shelfspine Sahagin now push us towards the more dangerous areas of one the beast tribes. These fishback are gladiator-esque Sahagin, who wield a tridant in the place of a sword.
Shelfspine Location
Your targets are found in the Halfstone portion of Western La Noscea. You'll find them beyond the North and South Tidegates, but before the passage to the Sapsa Spawning Grounds. This is in the same area as the Shelfscale Sahagin needed for the Maelstrom Hunting Log.
Hit Two Fishbacks with One Stone?
If you're onto this level of the Immortal Flames Hunting Log, there's a side-quest that could help you. Culling the Horde from Eilis can be completed for earring quest rewards or up to 5,000 in Allagan Gold pieces.
Western La Noscea: Halfstone
Nearest Aetheryte
Western La Noscea: Aleport
Around X:19, Y:22
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Shelfspine Sahagin
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Immortal Flames 20
Amalj'aa Archer
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
Tracking a Amalj'aa Archer is not quite as easy as it sounds.
See, in Zanr'ak, there are different types of Amalj'aa that wield bows. Examples are the Amalj'aa Scavenger and Zanr'ak Archer. So, you may find having nameplates on by default for this one will help you.
I could actually only find three bonefide Amalj'aa Archers on the landscape. Thankfully, they feature in local FATEs.
Southern Thanalan: Zanr'ak
Nearest Aetheryte
Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo
Around X:20.7, Y:22.3
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Amalj'aa Archer
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Rank 2 Dungeon Targets
The dungeon targets for the Immortal Flames Rank 2 are in Cutter’s Cry, an optional dungeon. Well, it rapidily becomes non-optional if you want to progress through the ranks!
How Do You Unlock Cutter’s Cry?
Complete the Level 35 quest Dishonour Before Death, which starts in Ul’dah. Seek Sibold on the Sapphire Avenue Exchange.
Sand Bats are one of the first enemies you see within Cutter’s Cry. Fear not, if you don’t go to them, they will come to you!
Required: 3
Reward: 629
Myrmidon Princess
Picture a princess. Any princess, real or fictional. Now ignore all of that and meet the giant Antling. The Myrmidon Princess is the first boss of Cutter’s Cry. Through the fight she’ll summon underlings to help her.
Reward: 632
Sabotender Desertor
The Sabotender Desertor comes hopping and skipping along to share its 1000 Needles with you. If you’re a Blue Mage, feel free to share yours in return!
Required: 2
Reward: 655
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Immortal Flames Hunting Log Rank 3
Immortal Flames 21
Ixali Windtalon
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
The main thing to say about the Ixali Windtalon is that sometimes there are "normal" mobs and sometimes there are FATE ones.
The other thing is that they can be found in both Coerthas Central Highlands and the North Shroud.
Note: this is not an Ixali Wildtalon. Read your logs carefully so you don't waste time chasing the wrong thing like someone I know. *cough*.
North Shroud: Proud Creek
Nearest Aetheryte
North Shroud: Fallgourd Float
Around X:20.1, Y:20.1
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Ixali Windtalon
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Immortal Flames 22
Sylpheed Sigh
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
The Sylpheed Sigh is located within the purple, hazy Sylphlands. Now we're on the Immortal Flames Hunting Log Rank 3, we're heading into the deepest parts of beast tribe territory.
These Ones also feature in the ARR Relic quest for the Summoner Relicref. They are also needed for the Book of Skyfire 2.
Where are Sylpheed Sighs?
These conjurer-class Sylphs are fairly common. So, focus on Goldleaf Dais and Moonspore Grove. Doing that, you'll clear this entry in very little time at all.
Involved in FATEs
East Shroud: Sylphlands
Nearest Aetheryte
East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut
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Sylpheed Sigh
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Immortal Flames 23
U'Ghamaro Priest
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
A Thaumaturge of the Kobolds, the U'ghamaro Priest is found on the western side of the Mines.
If you stick to that side, you'll be fine. Just be aware that the room with two Priests in have other Kobolds and Synthetic Doblyns too. Unless you're over-levelled, expect a bit of a fight to clear this Hunting Log entry.
Involved in FATE
Outer La Noscea: U'ghamaro Mines
Nearest Aetheryte
Outer La Noscea: Camp Overlook
Around X:22, Y:6
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U'Ghamaro Priest
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Immortal Flames 24
Sapsa Shelfspine
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
As with the Shelfspine Sahagin, the Sapsa Shelfspine is a tridant-wielding gladiator. He and his fellows can be found in the far North of the Sapsa Spawning Ground as you head towards their Aetheryte.
There are at least four here and you only need three. It is possible that you may see two guarding a gate. I've just marked those I saw on my visit. As this location is key to the pre-Heavensward MSQ, other players pass through here.
Western La Noscea: Sapsa Spawning Grounds
Nearest Aetheryte
Western La Noscea: Aleport
Around X:15.5, Y:14.5
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Sapsa Shelfspine
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Immortal Flames 25
Zahar'ak Thaumaturge
Number Required: 3
Seals Reward:
I really wanted to mock the title of Zahar'ak Thaumaturge! That's because it has both the place and class/job in it. But sadly, there are in fact two different Amalj'aa types that are Thaumaturges. The wandering Zahar'ak Fortune-tellers are as well.
So, where in Zahar'ak are they?
I did not find any on the path heading South, so just keep moving East. If other players are nearby, there is one to target near the Amal'jaa Aetheryte.
Southern Thanalan: Zahar'ak
Nearest Aetheryte
Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo
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Zahar'ak Thaumaturge
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Immortal Flames 26
Natalan Windtalon
Number Required: 4
Seals Reward:
Apologies for the two-part map, but Natalan is a long and thin area unlike most other locations. The Natalan Windtalon is a gladiator-class Ixal within their Coerthan stronghold.
Note: You need four Windtalons and five Natalan Boldwings. All previous landscape targets have been one or three. But there are more than four within Natalan, including one at southernmost tip, near the Ixali Aetheryte.
Coerthas Central Highlands: Natalan
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead
Around X:35.5, Y:22
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Natalan Windtalon
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Immortal Flames 27
Natalan Boldwing
Number Required: 5
Seals Reward:
The last non-dungeon target of the Immortal Flames Hunting Log is the Natalan Boldwing Ixals. And you really don't need help finding them!
Natalan Boldwing Location
Walk into Natalan. Voilà, a bajillion Boldwings waiting to axe you down. Congratulations! They are involved in the FATE The Storm Caller, but if clearing your log is the only motivation, you're not spoilt for choice!
Coerthas Central Highlands: Natalan
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead
Around Everywhere!
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Natalan Boldwing
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Rank 3 Dungeon Targets
As with the Twin Adder and Maelstrom Logs, the Immortal Flames Rank 3 targets are in The Wanderer’s Palace dungeon.
Where: these spawn almost straight away in The Wanderer’s Palace. There are plenty more further in.
Number Required: 8
Reward: 1,506
Corrupted Nymian
Corrupted Nymians are a kind of Bloated Bogy, a wandering spirit. They’re bright yellow, so not exactly difficult to spot in this dark dungeon!
Number Required: 3
Reward: 1,555
Soldier of Nym
Is it just me, or does it look like these Soldiers of Nym just about to break out into some kind of rap? Just me? Okay, well, the Soldiers are reanimated skeletons of a former civiliation. To find out more, start the Scholar storyline in Limsa Lominsa.
Number Required: 3
Reward: 1,619
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Other Grand Company Hunting Logs
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TL;DR Well Done on Completing the Immortal Flames Hunting Log!
There is a lot of traveling involved with the Grand Company logs, so they can feel like a bit of a grind. But at least you unlock flight in Eorzea after the main ARR storyline. As with the other Companies, the Immortal Flames Hunting Logs pit you against the minions of Primals. But Flame Seals are useful for a lot of things as well as to buy gear, so it’s worth your while.
Well done on completing this and, from next week, I’ll be refocusing on the class/job Hunting Log Guides. Have fun in Eorzea and beyond, folks!
About the Author
Fibro Jedi
I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.
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